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Goal 8. Global Perspective

Goal: To increase students' understanding of the growing interdependence of nations and peoples and develop their ability to apply a comparative perspective to cross-cultural social, economic and political experiences.

LEP Objective: Develop a comparative perspective and understanding of one’s place in a global context. Students can meet this requirement through 1 approved course or experience.

Students will be able to:

  1. Describe and analyze political, economic, and cultural elements which influence relations of states and societies in their historical and contemporary dimensions.

  2. Demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences.

  3. Analyze specific international problems, illustrating the cultural, economic, and political differences that affect their solution.

  4. Understand the role of a world citizen and the responsibility world citizens share for their common global future.

Consistent with LEP Student Learning Outcomes, students will also demonstrate their ability to:

  • Explain how they are connected and related to people elsewhere in the world.

  • Describe similarities and differences among global places and populations.

  • Analyze how political, economic or cultural elements influence relations among the world’s states, peoples, or societies. 

  • Analyze specific international issues and propose and evaluate responses.

  • Articulate a vision of their individual roles and responsibilities in a common global future.

The following courses are pre-approved to fulfill this goal requirement and further indicate what other goal area(s) or Diversity courses of the Liberal Education Program (LEP) or Racial Issues Graduation Requirements (RIGR) the course fulfills.

Requirements:  (1 course)

course (5) (Diversity), Introduction to African Studies, 3 Cr.
course (5) (Diversity), Introduction to Anthropology, 3 Cr.
course (5), Introduction to Medical Anthropology, 3 Cr.
course (5) (Diversity), Introductory Cultural Anthropology, 3 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), Introduction to the Visual Arts of the World, 3 Cr.
course (6), Art History Survey I, 3 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), Asian Art History, 3 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), African Art History, 3 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), Art History of the Americas, 3 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), Folk, Ethnic, and Indigenous Art, 3 Cr.
course (3) (Diversity), Archaeoastronomy, 3 Cr.
course, Introduction to the British Cultural Experience, 1 Cr.
course, Reflections on the British Cultural Experience, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Children in a Changing World, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Intercultural Communication, 3 Cr.
course (5), Cities, Suburbs, and Small Towns, 3 Cr.
course (5) (Diversity), Introduction to East Asia, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Economics of Developing Countries, 3 Cr.
course, Principles of Entrepreneurship, 3 Cr.
course (5), Modern Technology and Civilization, 3 Cr.
course (5) (Diversity), Technology and Third World Development, 3 Cr.
course (10), Energy Resources and Issues, 3 Cr.
course (6), Elementary French I, 4 Cr.
course (6), Elementary French II, 4 Cr.
course (6), Introduction to French Culture, 3 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate French I, 4 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate French II, 4 Cr.
course (Diversity), Introduction to Global Geography, 3 Cr.
course (6), Elementary German I, 4 Cr.
course (6), Elementary German II, 4 Cr.
course (6), Introduction to German Culture, 3 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate German I, 4 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate German II, 4 Cr.
course (5) (Diversity), Global Aging, 3 Cr.
course (9), Global Society and Citizenship, 3 Cr.
course, Global Feminisms, 3 Cr.
course (9), Feminist Transformative Leadership, 3 Cr.
course (5), Studies in World History, 3 Cr.
course (5) (Diversity), Historical Studies, 3 Cr.
course (5), Western Civilization I: Antiquity to 1500, 3 Cr.
course (5), Western Civilization II: 1500-Present, 3 Cr.
course (5) (Diversity), Twentieth Century World, 3 Cr.
course, Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism, 3 Cr.
course, Geography of Tourism, 3 Cr.
course (10), Global Social and Environmental Justice, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Research Strategies in a Changing World, 3 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), Elementary Japanese I, 4 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), Elementary Japanese II, 4 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate Japanese I, 4 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate Japanese II, 4 Cr.
course (5) (Diversity), Introduction to Latin America, 3 Cr.
course (6), Elementary Foreign Language I (Topical), 4 Cr.
course (6), Elementary Foreign Language II (Topical), 4 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate Foreign Languages I (Topical), 4 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate Foreign Languages II (Topical), 4 Cr.
course (Diversity), Social Media in a Global Context, 3 Cr.
course, Peace for our Planet, 3 Cr.
course, Contemporary Business Concepts, 3 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), Music in World Culture, 3 Cr.
course (6), World Drumming Group, 1 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), Multicultural Philosophy, 3 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), Philosophy and Feminism, 3 Cr.
course (9), Global Justice, 3 Cr.
course, Political Ideas and Institutions, 3 Cr.
course, Introduction to World Politics, 3 Cr.
course, Latin American Government and Politics, 3 Cr.
course, Middle East Government and Politics, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), African Government and Politics, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Emerging Political Issues in the Nonwestern World, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Politics of the Arab Peninsula, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Southeast Asian Governments and Politics, 3 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), World Religions, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Asian Religions, 3 Cr.
course (6), Elementary Russian I, 4 Cr.
course (6), Elementary Russian II, 4 Cr.
course (6), Introduction to Russian Culture, 3 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate Russian I, 4 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate Russian II, 4 Cr.
course (5) (Diversity), Sociology of Gender, 3 Cr.
course (5) (Diversity), Families and Globalization, 3 Cr.
course, Spanish for Health Care Professionals, 3 Cr.
course (6), Elementary Spanish I, 4 Cr.
course (6), Elementary Spanish II, 4 Cr.
course (6), Accelerated Spanish for High Beginners, 4 Cr.
course (6), Introduction to Spanish Speaking Cultures, 3 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate Spanish I, 4 Cr.
course (6), Intermediate Spanish II, 4 Cr.