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Goal 5. History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Goal: To increase students’ knowledge of how historians and social and behavioral scientists discover, describe, and explain the behaviors and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, events, and ideas. Such knowledge will better equip students to understand themselves and the roles they play in addressing the issues facing humanity.

LEP Objective: Develop understanding of human societies and behaviors, and of the concepts, theories, and methods of history and the social sciences.  Students can meet this requirement through 2 approved courses or experiences in different rubrics or academic areas.

Students will be able to:

  1. Employ the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition.

  2. Examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures.

  3. Use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories.

  4. Develop and communicate alternative explanations or solutions for contemporary social issues.

Consistent with LEP Student Learning Outcomes, students will also demonstrate their ability to:

  • Describe or use the methods and data by which historians, social scientists, or behavioral scientists investigate human conditions.

  • Analyze human behavior, cultures, and social institutions and processes from the perspectives of history or the social and behavioral sciences.

  • Develop explanations for and explore solutions to historical or contemporary social problems.

  • Reflect upon themselves in relation to family, communities, society, culture, and/or their histories.

  • Apply and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories about human societies and behaviors.

The following courses are pre-approved to fulfill this goal requirement and further indicate what other goal area(s) or Diversity courses of the Liberal Education Program (LEP) or Racial Issues Graduation Requirements (RIGR) the course fulfills.

Requirements (2 courses with no more than 4 credits from one rubric or academic area)

course (8) (Diversity), Introduction to African Studies, 3 Cr.
course (8) (Diversity), Introduction to Anthropology, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Introduction to Prehistoric Cultures, 3 Cr.
course(8), Introduction to Medical Anthropology, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Indians of the Americas, 3 Cr.
course, The Anthropology of Modern American Life, 3 Cr.
course (8) (Diversity), Introductory Cultural Anthropology, 3 Cr.
course (6), Art History Survey II, 3 Cr.
course, Introduction to Parents and Children, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Crime and Justice in America, 3 Cr.
course (8), Cities, Suburbs, and Small Towns, 3 Cr.
course (7) (Diversity) (RIGR), Diversity in the American Experience, 3 Cr.
course, Urban Planning [Same as course], 3 Cr.
course, Interpersonal Communication, 3 Cr.
course, Applying Psychology [Same as CEEP 101], 3 Cr.
course, Human Growth and Development, 3 Cr.
course, Principles of Behavior, 3 Cr.
course (7) (Diversity), Introduction to Human Communication Disorders, 3 Cr.
course (8) (Diversity), Introduction to East Asia, 3 Cr.
course, Introduction to Economics, 3 Cr.
course, Principles of Macroeconomics, 3 Cr.
course, Principles of Microeconomics, 3 Cr.
course, Economics of Crime and Justice, 3 Cr.
course, American Indian Women's Lives, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Asian Pacific American Women, 3 Cr.
course (6) (Diversity), Asian Pacific Americans in Popular Culture, 3 Cr.
course, Contemporary American Indian Issues, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Contemporary Asian Pacific American Issues, 3 Cr.
course (8), Modern Technology and Civilization, 3 Cr.
course (8) (Diversity), Technology and Third World Development, 3 Cr.
course (10), Society and the Environment, 3 Cr.
course, Economic Geography, 3 Cr.
course, Urban Planning [Same as course], 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Introduction to Gerontology, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Aging and Diversity, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Women and Aging, 3 Cr.
course (8) (Diversity), Global Aging, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Introduction to Gender & Women's Studies, 3 Cr.
course (8), Studies in World History, 3 Cr.
course (8) (Diversity), Historical Studies, 3 Cr.
course (7) (Diversity) (RIGR), Race in America, 3 Cr.
course (8), Western Civilization I: Antiquity to 1500, 3 Cr.
course (8), Western Civilization II: 1500-Present, 3 Cr.
course (7), America to 1865 (Diversity), 3 Cr.
course (7) (Diversity), United States Since 1865, 3 Cr.
course (8) (Diversity), Twentieth Century World, 3 Cr.
course (9), Democratic Citizenship, 3 Cr.
course, Early Modern England, 3 Cr.
course (7) (Diversity), American Indian History, 3 Cr.
course (7) (Diversity), Immigration, Race and Ethnicity, 3 Cr.
course, Personal and Community Health, 3 Cr.
course (8) (Diversity), Introduction to Latin America, 3 Cr.
course (9), American National Government, 3 Cr.
course, Introduction to Psychology, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Psychology of Women, 3 Cr.
course (10), Conservation Psychology, 3 Cr.
course, Developmental Psychology, 3 Cr.
course (9) (Diversity), Social Problems, 3 Cr.
course, Principles of Sociology, 3 Cr.
course (10) (Diversity), Environmental Sociology, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Crime Myths and Media, 3 Cr.
course (8) (Diversity), Sociology of Gender, 3 Cr.
course (8) (Diversity), Families and Globalization, 3 Cr.
course (Diversity), Exceptionalities and Human Diversity, 3 Cr.
course (6), American Musical Theatre, 3 Cr.