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Graduate Special Course Numbers (All-University courses)

Course Numbering System

Courses numbered at the 500- and 600-level may be used to satisfy requirements in the master's degree programs. A minimum of 50 percent of the student's approved program of study must be at the 600-level.

Graduate courses at the 600 level are available to graduate students only. Undergraduate students may not register for or attend 600-level courses.

500-level courses

501: Credit by Arrangement
Under certain circumstances, upper division courses (300- or 400-level) may be applied to master's degree requirements. To obtain approval, the student must submit a petition approved by the adviser to the graduate dean prior to registering for the course, if the course has not been approved on the proposed program of study.

An "Approval Form for Independent Study" approved by the professor, the department chairperson and the graduate dean is needed to register for the course. The student also must make arrangements to complete the special graduate requirements of the course.

Students who receive approval must register for (name of department or program) 501 (title of course). A maximum of six credits earned under the 501 course number may be applied to a master's degree program. This procedure is open only to students

510: All-University Number reserved for future use

588: Professional Workshop / Continuing Education

These workshops are designed to meet the needs of graduate students for continuing education or enrichment. Workshops numbered 588 may be included as a part of the graduate degree only with the specific approval of the adviser and the graduate dean. This approval may be obtained either by inclusion of the course at the time of program approval or through the petition process.

595: Topics Course

600-level courses

600: Research, Creative Work or Scholarly Activity

644: Internship: Graduate Masters Level

688: Practicum: Masters Level

691: Enrollment Continuation: Masters Level

695: Topics Course

699: Masters Culminating Project

700-level courses

701: Credit by Arrangement

795: Topics Course

800-level courses

844: Internship: Graduate Doctoral Level

888: Practicum: Doctoral Level

891: Enrollment Continuation: Doctoral Level

895: Topics Course

899: Doctoral Dissertation